Gaby & Patrick
Gaby and Patrick's wedding was a wonderful mix of traditional and classic style combined with some adorable modern twists, such as the bride and bridesmaids dresses hanging on her dad's barn, which they meticulously placed a nail for each one to hang! Their ceremony was held at Immaculate Conception Parish of Dardenne. It was immediately followed by a dove release, which was just incredible to watch! Then a classic Rolls-Royce drove the newlyweds to their photo location: Main Street in St. Charles. We randomly ran into Fredbird while on Main! He graced us with a quick photo op, and then we headed to the reception at Heart of St. Charles. They had a super unique introduction where the DJ announced each individual wedding party member along with a quick blurb about how they met the couple. My day with them ended with capturing everyone break it down on the dance floor, and you can tell from those candids they did not disappoint!